How To Fit Your Icon LED Driving Lights

Installation Instructions for the Teralume Industries Icon LED Driving Lights

Tool Requirement:
2x 17mm socket or open/ring end spanners - Used for centre bolt and nut on the bracket.
1x 13mm socket or open/ring end spanner - Used for secondary nuts on the bracket. 

Time Requirement:
8-12 minutes

Skill Requirement:

Quick Reference:
1. Use supplied fasteners to fit Icons to the bull bar.
2. Allow 10mm clearance around body panels, grille and bar work.
3. Tighten lamp to bullbar first, then check all clearances. 
4. DO NOT drive unless ALL fasteners have been checked for tightness.
5. Find a safe road to align lights when dark. Re-tighten the Icons to the bracket. 


The Icons arrive fully assembled, making the fitting process very simple, quick and hassle-free. Let's get started!

1. Open the box to find the lamps and the fasteners to attach the bracket to your vehicle. You will see each zip lock bag in the bottom left and right of the box. Inside will be various fasteners and 2x Allen keys.

2. Remove your lights and test fit them where you wish to mount them, ensuring the lamps will clear hoops and body panels with at least 10mm of clearance. Ensure you also have clearance and space for all 3x fasteners for each bracket.

3. Mount your lights with the fastener configuration as seen below. Inspect the clearance, position and measurements before fully tightening off the bracket to the bull bar.

4. Once you've completely tightened the bracket to the bull bar, you're now ready to align and tighten the Icons to the bracket. It's common to have to re-align your lights when it becomes dark, however, you must ensure all fasteners are tight before going for a drive!

How To Fit Your Icon LED Driving Lights


Wiring Instructions for the Teralume Industries Icon LED Driving Lights

Fitting and wiring are reasonably simple, we've taken a lot of guesswork out of the process as the Icons arrive fully assembled. In the box is also a plug and play wiring harness which will suit both positive and negatively switched vehicles.

Tool Requirement:
10-13mm socket or open/ring end spanners - Used for removing the battery terminal
6x-10x cable ties - attaching the wiring harness to various parts of the vehicle
Side-cutters - cutting tails off cable ties
Stepper drill bit (ideal) - Variable sized drill bit to fit the switch in the vehicle.

Time Requirement:
30-40 minutes

Skill Requirement:


1. Remove Battery Connection:

Disconnect both terminals from the battery. This is especially important for vehicles that operate primarily with CANBUS or other multiplex wiring systems, they can be very sensitive to new wiring connections.

2. Harness Fitment:

Lay your wiring harness out and rough it in to ensure that all the required parts of the harness are long enough for your specific vehicle. Gain an idea of how you wish to mount your relay, ensuring it's not obstructing any other serviceable parts of the engine bay - like fuse boxes, filters or sensors. 

Once you're happy with the route the wiring harness will take, now its fully fit and secure it. We usually suggest cable ties.

3. Headlight Connection:

Our Quik-Fit harness allows a direct connection to your headlight wiring to allow the relay to trigger off the factory high beam function of your vehicle. Supplied is an H4 and HB3 connection, fitting most Japanese vehicles with a conventional halogen headlight assembly. Simply remove the factory OE plug off the headlight bulb/assembly and plug into the supplied adaptor, fitting the other end of the supplied adaptor back into the headlight bulb/assembly.

4. In-vehicle Switch

Supplied is the waterproof on/off switch which is to be mounted in the cab of the vehicle. This must be fitting to ensure your Icons can be switched off when the high beam is activated.

5. Connect the Icon Driving Lights to the harness

Finally, you're ready to connect your Icons to the harness. Also supplied is a wiring reducer (DT-P to DT), this is an adaptor that is not required for specifically for the Icons, however depending they may become of use if your circumstances change.

6. Reconnect the battery

Ensure all wiring is neat, safe and not going to dislodge over time. It's now time to reconnect the battery starting with the positive terminal (+). Check the fuse in the wiring harness is seated and lodged correctly and test the complete circuit by ensuring your in-vehicle switch is on and the Icons activate when the high beam is activated.

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